Insurance, has become one of the inevitable expenses today. Almost everyone opts for an annual insurance cover with proper payment. Insurance, is simplified today. One day car insurance or temporary insurance is a relatively recent advancement known to very few people. This can come in handy if your car is being used by a friend or by one of your family member for a day.
Insurance is often mistaken to be a costly affair. Many people don't wish to spend a huge amount of money on insurance. Such people can benefit from insure for one day. Seeking expert guidance from car insurance providers can also help take the right decision. One day car insurance can help the driver using the car for a day or two get protected adequately against any kind of injuries. It can help get compensated against any kind of injuries. It is advisable to safeguard your interest always; be it any kind of journey.
The insurance can prove to be helpful in numerous ways:
• Immediate drive-away insurance if you've just bought a car
• Temporary additional drivers (including overseas visitors)
• Temporary additional cars
• Unaccompanied vehicle demonstrations or use of courtesy cars
• Lending a car to a friend, colleague or relative
It is advisable to insure car if you wish to use the car for a day or two. It is true that today, even the smallest of journeys need cover. Hence, it doesn't make sense to risk your life. Seeking expert advice from a team specialists can also help get suitable insurance coverage. It is better top be protected than risk your life. Initially, single day insurance was originally limited to the motor trade only. It has been designed to meet the needs of people who require immediate, short-term insurance to drive and to cover them for a period of between 1 to 28 days against accident, fire or theft damage to their vehicle, as well as their legal obligations or third party claims.
Sadhana D, Expert Author, Platinum author
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sadhna_D