The most important thing for getting low cost Texas auto insurance rates is to get lots of quotes online. Insurance companies give different rates to different drivers. In fact, the difference between the highest quote and the lowest quote you get is often hundreds of dollars. That's why it's so important to compare five or 10 quotes to choose the best plan and the lowest rate. Remember, don't just look at the rate since the plans might also be different. You need a plan that fits your needs, whether it's liability insurance, collision insurance, or a more comprehensive plan.
Other tips for getting cheaper quotes include keeping a clean driving record. If you have fewer tickets and fines on your record, the insurance company will give you better quote. Being a safe driver can add up to lots of money over the years. You might also go for a plan with a higher deductible. This means your out of pocket costs are higher, but you make up for it with lower monthly premiums. Another tip is driving a car with safety features like antilock brakes and airbags.
More detail : http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Mackey