In Phoenix Arizona, did you know you can get an Arizona DUI without being drunk, or having had any alcohol at all? It's true. You can get a DUI if you are "impaired to the slightest degree" due to being under the influence of medication. Arizona imposes harsh penalties for any type of DUI regardless of if it is alcohol or medication related.
According to recent news agencies (source Arizona Department of Public Safety Laboratory ) report Arizona arrests + 377% surged in 2009 over from 2001 due to charges of DUI linked to legally prescribed medications such as Valium and other psychoactive drugs to treat muscle pain, anxiety or insomnia. Arrests can occur even if you are driving impaired due to an over the counter accessible medication. If the law enforcement officers stop you, and suspect you of driving impaired, in absence of alcohol use you will be subjected to toxicology testing with blood draw or urine sample. If the results are positive, you will later be charged with a DUI. The severity of the DUI charges will be based on how much of the substance was found in your body based on the results of toxicology testing.
Punishments can include fines, fees, and incarceration. For example, Arizona DUI laws specify that a person must serve at least 24 hours in jail if convicted of even the most basic or misdemeanor Arizona DUI charge. This will increase quickly to 30 days for an Arizona extreme DUI, then 45 days for an Arizona Super Extreme DUI. The maximum jail sentence for any single misdemeanor DUI charge in Arizona is 180 days.
It can easily happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. So if you have taken any medications that may impair your ability to drive safely, you are better off getting a ride to your destination from family friend, taxi or other source who is not impaired. Leave the keys. You and everyone else will have piece of mind and be a lot safer on the road.
Phoenix DUI Lawyer
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